(Adorable pic courtesy of Uncle Lance)
We had Eliza's 9 month appointment today. Good news...she is a little more proportionate now. Her head is only in the 75th percentile (down from 97th%), height and weight (just over 19lbs) 50th percentile. :) She is getting more independent and fun everyday. A few things about Eliza at nine months:
-She now has 4 teeth and endured getting them like a champ.
-She has graduated from rolling and scooting to a very proficient crawler.
-She is signing more and all done.
-She can say "mama" and "dada" on command. (if she feels like it)
-Besides on vacation...sleeps through the night!
-She is becoming very independent and prefers to be left to play unless tired or hungry-then she will snuggle.
-Favorite family member...still Cooper (now that she can crawl-he is constantly harassed)...I am a far second.
-She loves swinging and bouncing in the tramp with Connor and Sadie
-Loves to eat-favorite food at the moment-yogurt.
-She HATES her hands and face to be wiped-she flinches at the sight of a wipe. She can not stand to be messed with!
-She is starting to get hair, but its hard to tell because it is sooooo blonde-almost white.
-She is so content, sweet, and beautiful (so I may be a little biased)! We LOVE her so much.