Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Austin Kenneth's Birth

As is the pattern of all of my babies, baby boy decided to make us wait a few days after his due date (4/21) to make his appearance. I was up late stocking up at Target the night of April 23rd. I came home and told Ryan I had had lots of contractions, and thought I may have the baby the next day (but I had also said that for a couple of weeks!). He took me seriously after I went to sleep. He was up still and noticed that I was laboring in my sleep. He stayed up until 2 in the morning finishing work and making sure the house was in order, in case I was was right this time. I prayed that I'd be able to sleep and not have to call a neighbor over in the middle of the night. My prayers were answered. I woke up at around 7 and decided to stay in bed for a while. I watched some shows on the ipad. I wasn't in any pain, but I knew that as soon as I stood up it would probably be go time. 
Heidi texted me to see if I wanted to go for a walk, and I told her that I was probably going to have a baby, so no walk. :)  After an hour or so, I got up and got myself ready, packed lunches, and fed everyone breakfast.  I called my midwife and let her know I was having strong contractions, but not consistent.  She said to come on in since she was planning on being at the hospital anyway. I said, "Okay-after I get my kids to school, I will."  She hung up and then called me back, remembering my fast labor history and told me to come NOW.  I was planning on getting kids on the bus, then dropping off Eliza at Heidi's, but thank goodness, Heidi insisted on coming over and picking Eliza up. She says I was hunched over my counter top telling the kids to get their shoes and back packs during a contraction. Sadie and Connor headed out to the bus stop, Heidi had Eliza, and Ryan and I got in the car to go to the hospital.  As SOON as we were backing out of the driveway, I had my first HUGE contraction and Ryan got SUPER annoyed that we had waited so long. Our car ride was a bit like the movies-stuck in school zones, and behind slow cars, husband swearing,  but no more contractions ( so they were still 10 minutes apart.) As we were walking in I had another BIG one. I tried to lean over to breathe through my contraction, but Ryan grabbed me and dragged me into the hospital. 
I had to lean on the counter at check in to get through the same BIG contraction, and a nurse saw me and walked me to a room where my midwife was waiting and left Ryan to do check in. I got on the bed, got checked, and Michelle let me know I could start pushing whenever I wanted! I was already dilated to 10cm!!! Unlike most moms, I don't like the pushing part. I get through labor without thinking about it, and I have to actually put effort in to push. Not to mention, IT HURTS!!! After a few more contractions, I decided to start trying. Since the contractions were still quite spread out, he was born about 30 minutes  after we started pushing at 9:40am.  It was the 2nd time I had gone with out an epidural, and Ryan said I was not as embarrasing this time. 
Most importantly, little no name, came out healthy and crying loudly! We had a late term ultra sound that saw some irregular features in his brain and possible Dandy Walker Syndrome/Variance. We were so thankful that he came out seeming as healthy as can be. He was 21inches and 7lb 4 oz. Ryan and I were both in LOVE instantly. 
The kids could hardly wait. I wasn't even all the way cleaned up before Grandpa and Grandma brought all 3 in to see baby boy! It was such a precious time to see them meet their baby brother for the first time. I am so thankful for such a blessed day and family. We got to know baby boy a bit our one day in the hospital and decided before we checked out that his name would be Austin Kenneth Johnson. 

Sadie took this on April 21st (his due date)

Heidi visited us in the hospital and took some special pictures.

Me and the Gang!!

Surprise Baby Shower

Unfortunately, this is the only picture I got (complete with Evie photo bombing), but my good friends Heidi and Michelle threw me a surprise baby shower before baby boy was born. They made me think we were going to dinner, and then surprised me with about 20 of my friends waiting at Michelle's house. I was seriously sooooo surprised. I have never had a surprise party.  It was so unnecessary (since it was my 4th baby), but so thoughtful and kind. I really have the best friends. They were so generous and got me EVERYTHING I needed/wanted... a new car seat, a house cleaner for before baby, an attachment for my bob stroller, diapers, and cute new clothes. I had such a great time celebrating new baby boy with my friends. 

Don't you just want to poke my belly button in!! :)