Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Surprise Baby Shower

Unfortunately, this is the only picture I got (complete with Evie photo bombing), but my good friends Heidi and Michelle threw me a surprise baby shower before baby boy was born. They made me think we were going to dinner, and then surprised me with about 20 of my friends waiting at Michelle's house. I was seriously sooooo surprised. I have never had a surprise party.  It was so unnecessary (since it was my 4th baby), but so thoughtful and kind. I really have the best friends. They were so generous and got me EVERYTHING I needed/wanted... a new car seat, a house cleaner for before baby, an attachment for my bob stroller, diapers, and cute new clothes. I had such a great time celebrating new baby boy with my friends. 

Don't you just want to poke my belly button in!! :)

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