Monday, January 3, 2011

Eliza Claire -4 months

My little Eliza is getting big! We had a talk the other night and she promised me she would stop growing, but for now her 4 month stats are:
Height: 24inches (50th%)
Weight: 13.11 lbs(50%)
Head: BIG (90th%)
She got out of her 4 month shots for now because she was sick with ear infections and a cough. This is the first time she has been sick and we hope the last time for a while.

At 4 months, she is still a doll. Happy most of the time, but finding her voice. Not sleeping quite as well at night, but I still don't mind, because she just wants to eat and then go back to sleep. Her "newness" is not wearing off with Connor and Sadie at all. They still swarm her whenever she is awake. She can roll from her tummy to her back and is not only just staring at her hands, but using them a little bit now. She has such a big smile and quite the serious face too. Eliza is laughing and giggling regularly now too. Yippee! We enjoy her so much and thank Heavenly Father daily to have her!


Susan said...

I can't believe how big she has gotten. She has the loveliest little face.

Anonymous said...

She is so cute! I could just eat her up!!

Eric and Rozanne said...

Ahhh...what a cute little girl! She is beautiful and I'm so glad you are having so much fun with her. Jarem topped the charts with his head too. I remember when two or three nurses came in to measure his head because they thought they must have gotten the measurement wrong. :)