Thursday, August 12, 2010

Eliza Claire Johnson

Grandma with another girl to spoil!
Proud Uncle
Big Brother

We are so happy to announce the arrival of Eliza Claire! We finally decided on her name on the way out of the hospital. Ryan made the final call-and we all think it fits her perfectly. She decided to make her entrance on Sunday August 8th at 3:16pm. She weighed 7 lbs and was 19 inches long. Her birth was a little bit of a whirlwind! I had pretty good contractions all night Saturday, but not enough to keep me awake all night and by the morning they were pretty much gone. Ryan left for a church meeting at 11 and the rest of us were all getting ready, when my girlfriend called to check on me and told me that I needed to call my midwife. I think she was inspired, because I may have given birth at church if I hadn't called. My midwife was already at the hospital and told me to come on in to check me. The admissions nurse hooked me up to monitors and was ready to send me home because I wasn't having regular contractions. My midwife came in and checked me and I was already dilated to an 8! By the time they got me to a labor and delivery room I was a 9 and still not in pain. My midwife broke my water at 1:30pm. Then I finally felt some major pain! Within minutes I was a 10 and ready to push. Unfortunately, Eliza was face up and a little difficult to push out so I pushed for a little over an hour. This was my first time with no epidural and I have to say it HURT, but I did like not having an IV or needle in my back and felt much better after. Ryan was patient, despite me being a little psycho! My midwife Karen was AMAZING! She never left my side and was sooo calm and encouraging. Ryan was very impressed by her as well! Sadie and Connor are in LOVE! The only problem is them fighting over who helps with her and who gets to hold her first. Ryan's parents and Lance were great to stay with the kids and bring them to visit twice. We got to come home Monday afternoon to a yummy dinner and happy kids. We are so fortunate to have such great family so close! So far she is an angel baby (knock on wood:) and we feel very blessed.


Kelly said...

Congrats! I love her name. You have an adorable family!

Eric and Rozanne said...

Congratulations!! I like the name too. I can't believe you were dilated that far without even knowing it...if only...! :) Sorry to hear that you had to push with no epidural. It's funny that I had a very similar experience with delivering Tessa and had to push for about 2+ hours with no pain meds (not by choice). I hope she turns out to be an easy one like Tessa was.

Ashley Elizabeth said...

YaY! I am so excited for you! I am glad everything went well! Eliza is beautiful...just like her Mommy! Enjoy her! They get big way to fast!