Monday, September 12, 2011

Ensign Ranch Camping 2011

We got to go to Ensign Ranch again this year with the Cammack's (minus poor Zach and Nadia-who were sick), Romero's, and Reed's. Many thanks to Grandma and Grandpa for coming to our house to watch Eliza. I just did not think that Eliza would be ANY fun camping. Crawling in the dirt, fire, tent sleeping with an almost one year old sounded like a recipe for a terrible camping trip for us all. Needless to say, Grandma and Grandpa had a blast with little Eliza all to themselves for the weekend-and we loved spending time with just the "big kids." We had fun having smores playing flashlight tag, sitting around the fire, sleeping in the tent, eating junk, horseback riding, sliding on the slip and slide, and canoeing. The only bad part was little Sadie (not the most graceful) tripped over a tent tie down in the dark and landed on her face. Thank goodness Dr. Spenser (our dentist) was there to take care of her. There was so much blood that I would have packed up camp and headed to the emergency room if he hadn't been there to clean her mouth out and calm ME down. Sadie was very tough and was happy to head to the tent and watch a movie on her own DVD player.

Ryan and Sadie went down the slip'n slide countless times!!!
Enjoying a nice cool ice cream treat

Sadie on a grumpy horse-I led the horse and had no idea what I was doing!
Connor's horse was much more compliant.

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